our ppa

Zeus Renewables, through Zeus Renewables, works with its trusted solar installation partners to offer behind the meter / rooftop Power Purchase Agreement (“PPAs”) to commercial customers.

Zeus Renewables is an independent Australian-owned solar electricity provider; Our mission is to help Australian businesses achieve immediate and ongoing energy and emissions savings, and contribute to a smart, resilient and sustainable future.

Our funding is provided from a leading clean energy purposed Australian superannuation fund. This allows us to offer products which match our customers’ needs better whilst assuring that stringent ethical investment criteria have been applied in our Clean Energy Council compliant solar installations.

Our Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs) allow customers to purchase electricity from their roof or surrounding land at prices below conventional grid prices, and assist customers realise the most from the solar systems installed, insured and owned by us. Once the PPA term finishes (typically 10 years), the Customer has a well-maintained system in their ownership.